I know most of the people who read this blog, are probably reading out updates via fb as well. But In order to keep the blog active, I wanted to post some stuff here. I find it's harder to get feelings out of me. Even Jacob has a hard time dragging feelings out of me. That's something I have to work through.
Jacob tells me every day that he can see amazing changes being made in me. The thing is, I don't really feel those changes. Not to say that I'm not super proud and amazed by the changes I've been making, but he's giving me more credit than I deserve. I literally just pray to God a million times a day to make me be the wife Jacob needs, and the mother that Lexi and Rex need. I will tell you a thousand times that God has done all the hard work and I have done the easy work. My work consists of waking up with my alarm at 9. Making my coffee. Telling my children good morning. Rex usually asks me how my sleeps was. Then I sit down and start whatever crochet project I have going on. All of these little things, do laundry, doing the dishes, cooking breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. It's just want I have to do to keep going. To keep my little minions happy.
So I make them ramen noodles when they ask. I open cans of pop. I made bowsl of cereal. I make oven pizzas. I open powerade bottles. And at the end of the day I walk around and scoop the most of it up so that we can start relatively fresh the next day.
Lexi has been my little independent girl this summer. She does what she wants and she doesn't need a lot from me.
Rex Allen is a different story. He's constantly looking his remote. He's constantly needing a can of pepsi opened. He's constantly needing me to type things into roblox so he can play his certain games that he likes.
But those little things that Jacob mentions to me---they feel huge to me. It makes me know that he sees everything I'm doing. But I have to find a way to show that I see everything he's doing as well.
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